We are a 1:1 district in grades TK-12. This means every student has a dedicated device available to use during the school day. Students in grades 6-12 can take their devices home daily (with parent/guardian permission).
Grades K-2 Device: Apple iPad
Every student has an iPad assigned to them, but they do not leave campus. The iPads are kept in a cart inside or outside each TK-2 classroom.
Grades 3-5 Device: Touchscreen Chromebook
Every student is assigned a Chromebook, but the Chromebooks do not leave campus. The Chromebooks are kept in a cart inside or just outside of each classroom. Securly is installed on every Chromebook.
Grades 9-12 Device: MacBook Air
Every student is assigned a MacBook Air, and the MacBook Air can be taken home with parent/guardian permission. Securly is installed on every MacBook Air, and parents/guardians with students in grades 9-12 can sign up for a Securly parent account.
Grades 6-8 Device: Apple iPad
Every student has an iPad with a keyboard assigned to them. Securly is installed on every iPad, and parents/guardians with students in grades 6-8 can sign up for a Securly parent account.
High School Paraprofessionals
Clear Creek Paraprofessionals
Middle School Paraprofessionals
- All classrooms are equipped with a 65" or larger interactive touch panel
- All classrooms are equipped with an Audio Enhancement voice lift system
- All classroom voice lift systems are connected to EPIC System (paging and bells)
- All classroom voice lift systems are connected to the EPIC SAFE System (emergency alerts)
- Many classrooms have a ceiling-mounted projector
- All classrooms are equipped with an Apple TV
- Dave Napp
- Assistant Director, Technology Services
- Jason Christenson
- Director, Technology Services