All Students. All Staff. All In.
To ensure a high level of learning for all.
To create an environment empowering students, staff, and community to develop passionate, innovative, adaptable learners prepared to embrace the challenges of the future.
This strategic plan sets the direction for Clear Lake Schools and represents the goals, aspirations, and shared priorities that will guide the decision-making of the board, administration, teachers, and community in support of the school's mission and vision. This document is aspirational; not everything will be achieved, but with intense work and collaboration, we expect to make significant progress aligned with this plan.
Priority 1: Enhance the Student Experience
- Goal 1: 100% graduation rate.
- Goal 2: Increase MS and HS student participation in extracurricular and co-curricular activities to 90% by 2026.
- Goal 3: Expose all students, at all grade levels, to potential careers, jobs, and community involvement.
- Goal 4: Prepare all students to learn beyond high school.
Priority 2: Promote a Fulfilling Teaching Environment
- Goal 1: Recruit and retain the best teachers in the state to Clear Lake.
- Goal 2: Increase the availability and quality of leadership training and professional development for all staff.
- Goal 3: Create a shared vision between staff and administration.
- Goal 4: Create a culture of support for all (board, administration, staff, community).
- Goal 5: Each school will become a model PLC school by the end of 2022-23.
Priority 3: Deliver Programs for Today’s Student Needs
- Goal 1: Reassess and align middle school and high school curricula.
- Goal 2: Continue to add and develop new, high-quality programs.
- Goal 3: Expand business-teacher-student collaboration.
- Goal 4: Develop programs to help students deal with stress/life management/conflict.
- Goal 5: Expand the availability and coaching/leadership of extra-curricular activities based on student demand.
Priority 4: Provide Best In Class Facilities for Clear Lake
- Goal 1: Modernize all school spaces, furniture, technology, and equipment to promote more collaboration and flexibility for student learning.
- Goal 2: Add additional facility space, as needed, to support additional enrollment, programs, and activities.
- Goal 3: Upgrade the auditorium.
- Goal 4: Expand the Industrial Tech area.
- We hold high expectations for achievement from each of our learners.
- We provide rigorous and relevant learning experiences that develop academic, social, emotional, citizenship, and workplace skills.
- We provide high levels of support for our learning.
- Research and data drive our decisions.
- We are dedicated stewards of our public’s trust and resources.
- We are models of lifelong learning and integrity.
- We are partners in the education of our youth with parents and the community.