Lion Gold
Pantone: PMS 1235 C Hex: #fdb702 CMYK: C:0 M:31 Y:100 K: 0 RGB: R:253 G:183 B:2
Lion Black
Pantone: PMS 6 C Hex: #000000 CMYK: C:100 M:100 Y:100 K:100 RGB: R:0 G:0 B:0
No values other than those listed on this page may be used. Tints and shades of these colors should not be used, except in cases where accessibility requirements must be met.
Click on the logo to download a zip file containing the logo in .eps and .png format.
Click on the logo to download a zip file containing the logo in .eps and .png format.
Click on the logo to download a zip file containing the logo in .eps and .png format.