Registering a student returning to Clear Lake Schools from the previous school year is called the Annual Update. The Annual Update is a quick review and, if necessary, update of your student's information. It is fast and easy and only takes a few minutes. Please complete the Annual Update before the first day of school so we have the most up-to-date information about your student.
The Annual Update is available from early July until the first day of the school year.
Note: a returning student is a student who finished the previous school year at Clear Lake. All other students should be registered as new students, even if they have previously attended Clear Lake Schools.
The Annual Update is completed in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. It quickly verifies and updates your student's demographic, medical, and other important information. If your student needs transportation, even if they rode the bus last year, you must complete the annual update to sign up for transportation for the upcoming school year.
If you need to apply for free and reduced meals, complete the Free and Reduced Meals Application. You will need an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account to complete this step.
If your student (grades 6-12) will register for activities or athletics, visit our activity and athletics registration site. For questions about activity and/or athletics registration, please contact Ben Klapperich, Activities Director, at
The school supply lists are available here.