We received the following questions from parents/guardians after the September 17, 2024, meeting regarding the attendance law changes mandated by Iowa Senate File 2435 (SF 2435).
What if students leave for a vacation during the school year?
Please inform your child's school at least five (5) days before the trip. We also recognize that some vacations were planned before the recent law change. However, vacations are not exempt under SF 2435, and the new law gives schools no flexibility. All vacation days will count toward the total absences reported to the county attorney.
What if I go on vacation and my student misses six (6) days already? Does that mean you have to contact the attorney and email us every week because they hit the 15%?
According to SF 2435, we must fulfill specific requirements when a student misses 10% and 15% of the grading term. At 10% absenteeism, we are required to send a certified letter and notify the county attorney via email. Once the student reaches 15% absenteeism, we are also required to set up a meeting for an absenteeism prevention plan. The state also required us to contact you weekly regarding your student's attendance for the remainder of the year.
When do the quarters end throughout the school year?
- 1st Quarter ends on October 25th
- 2nd Quarter begins October 28th and ends on December 20th (end of 1st semester)
- 3rd Quarter starts January 6th and ends March 5th
- 4th Quarter starts March 6th and ends at the end of the school year
Do medical appointments count against attendance reporting?
Doctors, dentists, mental health professionals, orthodontists, optometrists, physical therapists, and any other doctor-initiated appointments with a note are all exempt from being counted in attendance reporting. These absences will not count toward the reported days.
Do illnesses count toward attendance reporting?
The first two (2) days a student is absent during a quarter due to an illness will be coded exempt and will not count toward attendance reporting. After that, any additional sick days will only be exempt if a doctor’s note is provided. If the absences are non-consecutive, a separate doctor’s note is required for each illness beyond the initial two exempt days.
What if you cannot get to a doctor that day for an illness? How would I obtain a doctor's note without missing more school on another day?
The days would remain excused until you obtained and shared with us a doctor's note covering the dates the students were sick and not attending school. The letter must note all dates or a range of dates. Then, the absences will be changed to exempt. The first two (2) days in any quarter that a student is absent due to illness will be counted as exempt and will not count toward attendance reporting. Each day after that is considered excused but will not be exempted without the note.
If my child is sick (vomiting), all we can do is hydrate them, get some sleep, and keep them away from others. What will we do at this point if it is over the two (2) sick days allowed? Will a doctor's note not be able to do anything about that? Do we need to send them to the school nurse somehow to see them?
The school nurse can not exempt students from being at school, so please do not send them to the nurse for her to send them home. We understand that this new law change is not perfect. However, any day past the two (2) days of illness that are automatically exempt must be accompanied by a doctor's note for it to be exempted.
How are those absences calculated for appointments (doctor, dental, orthodontic, etc.) where a student may miss up to a few hours of school but not a whole or even 1/2 day?
If these appointments are pre-planned, they fall under the category of medical exemption and will be exempted from attendance when a doctor's note is presented. If the appointment is not pre-planned, attendance is counted and accrued every period in high school and middle school. Partial days are counted cumulatively regardless of length of absence. However, if you have a doctor's note, these are exempt.
What about travel time to and from an appointment? Does that count?
A doctor's note will cover the entire time the student is gone for an appointment and be exempted.
Are physicals/annual doctor appointments considered planned medical treatment?
Yes, these are exempted with a doctor’s note coded as medical exemption.
What if my student gets Influenza A and a few weeks later gets Influenza B and misses eight (8) days of school in a quarter? Does a single doctor’s note still work?
No, these are two separate illnesses, and they would require two separate notes. These separate doctor's notes will be the only way to exempt absences.
How is missing half a day or even just two (2) periods due to doctor appointments counted?
High School and Middle School: 1/2 days are counted as .5, and two periods would be counted as .25. Elementary days are approximately calculated by the check-in and check-out times of student's arrival and departure.
Are funerals exempt?
Two (2) days are exempted for celebrations of life/funerals. They are considered religious services.
How many hours at school counts as a full day?
High School and Middle School are counted by periods. For example, if a student misses eight (8) periods sporadically, that will generate a full-day absence. If a student misses two (2) half days, that will generate one (1) full-day absence. Per our district calendar, the elementary school has 6.75 hours in the school day.
Are kids exempt from school when they miss school for sporting events in which they participate, and do I need to notify the school that it is okay for them to be gone for the event?
For students who miss school because they are participating in school activities, the parent does not have to call in. The absences are not exempt, but according to SF 2435, we are to count them as present as if they were in class. School activities are defined as any educational opportunity set up by school personnel (field trip), sanctioned athletic, band, choir, or club identified and organized by a governing body associated with the state of Iowa. This does not include any AAU activity, regardless of whether they are made up of 50% or more Clear Lake athletes.
How do the exempt and nonexempt absences work? Are they all counted against us in the count for the county attorney to be contacted?
Any absences counted and coded as exempt do not count toward reporting. All other absences, whether excused or unexcused, count toward reporting to the county attorney.
Are college visits exempted from absences?
According to SF 2435, college visits are not an exempt absence. Contact the high school administration for more clarification.
How does the attendance policy apply to those not of compulsory school age (16 years old and up)?
Students who are no longer under compulsory attendance must meet the required instructional minutes to be eligible to earn credits. The required instructional minutes dictate that students receive 3,000 minutes of instruction per semester to receive credits in the courses they are taking. In the past, only unexcused absences applied to this rule. The only absences that do not count against the time requirement for instruction are exempt absences. All absences, whether classified as excused or unexcused, count toward the instructional time requirement. When students accrue 20 absences, they are below the 3,000-minute instructional requirement and can be dropped from class without credit. They are not reported to the county attorney but can be dropped from class for failing to meet this requirement.
What if a parent refuses to attend the required meeting when a student has missed 15% of a grading period (Absenteeism Prevention Plan)?
SF 2435 states that if any student or parent refuses to participate in the mandatory meeting to create the absenteeism prevention plan, the matter will be turned over to the county attorney immediately.
How does this pertain to children with an IEP or 504 plans?
If a student does not have a legitimate reason or health plan agreed upon by the IEP or 504 team, then all exemptions and absences apply to them just like any other student attending school.
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