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Please don’t send invitations to school unless you are inviting the entire class. Students get their feelings hurt by being left out. We cannot give out the addresses of families due to privacy laws.
Party/Celebration Treats
The Clear Lake School Community District requires that all classroom treats be purchased from a store and brought to school in the original store package. We are not allowed to serve homemade treats for celebrations.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your child’s teacher or the school office.
Eating Lunch with Your Child
You are always welcome to eat lunch with your child. However, if you plan to eat school lunch, we do ask that you call the school office before 9:00 a.m. to be sure that we have enough food prepared.
Home Football Game Guidelines
Students must sit with their parents or in the football stadium's Clear Creek section (south end). Please be respectful and do not block others’ views.
Students must stay on the Clear Lake side of the football field.
No footballs or other throwing-type toys are allowed. Footballs cause the most problems with supervision. Kids get rough and want to play “tackle” football. Please don’t allow your child to bring a football to the game.
If students don’t follow these guidelines, they cannot attend the next home game.
Students must have their activity cards, or they will have to pay to get in.
Parent/Guardian Visiting During the School Day
Just a reminder that the front doors are locked, and you will need to push the doorbell. The secretaries will allow you to enter. After entering, please sign in and out of the office. You will be given a visitor’s badge.
It’s for the safety of our students. We appreciate your willingness and cooperation.