⬇️ Silver Cord Hours Log
After completing 100+ hours of community service, the student receives and wears a silver cord for their 8th-grade promotion.
Example tasks that DO qualify for Silver Cord hours:
- Reading to elderly persons or elementary students
- Volunteering for senior citizens
- Assisting a neighbor in need
- Volunteering at a hospital, shelter, daycare, nursing home, etc.
- Participating in service-oriented church activities
- Volunteering time for school-sponsored activities outside the school day
- Volunteering for the Salvation Army or One Vision
- Serving at Community Kitchen
- Volunteering at the Public Library
- Babysitting (as long as it is not family-oriented and no monetary compensation is involved)
- Other tasks approved by the Principal
Examples of tasks that DO NOT qualify for Silver Cord hours:
- Completing any job for which you receive money
- Doing work around your house/yard/farm
- Attending church or youth group
- Doing extra credit work
- Doing extra-curricular activities such as sports, music, drama, and clubs
- Court-ordered community service tasks
- Tasks assigned as disciplinary action
- Visiting an elderly family member with your family
- Minor acts of kindness (opening doors, etc.)
- Community service as part of the school day
Participation in the Silver Cord program is entirely voluntary. Any injuries or damage to property while volunteering will fall under the parent's homeowner's insurance. The school is not responsible.
⬇️ Silver Cord Hours Log