Students are chosen to be a part of a mentoring program at Clear Creek Elementary. The mentoring program is part of our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports program (PBIS) that we started several years ago.
While in this program, your students are paired with a high school student from Clear Lake High School. The high school mentor will meet with their mentee once or twice a week for 30 minutes. Elementary students are selected to participate for many reasons, they may be a new student or a student who is shy, or the student may need help building friendships or self-confidence, or they may need some academic help. Sometimes the mentor goes to recess with the student. Sometimes they stay in the classroom and give support and attention. Other times they just spend time and talk….always focusing on our “Lion Pride Motto:”
Do What’s Right
Do Your Best
Do Treat Others Nicely
The high school student receives a service credit towards graduation. The high school guidance counselor and the Family Service Coordinator work together to match high school students with elementary and middle school students. The focus of the program is to provide another positive role model for the student being mentored. In the past, we have found that both the younger student and high school student have the opportunity to grow in self-esteem, friendship, and responsibility.
The program is meant to be a positive and encouraging program and takes no time away from classroom studies.