Introduction to Ag, Food and Natural Resources
Course number: AG 1401
Type: elective
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1
Terms: 1 semester
Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) will introduce students to leadership, plants, animals, natural resources, and more using hands-on learning. Students also develop a career portfolio as they investigate their personal interests and careers in agri-science. While surveying the opportunities available in agriculture and natural resources, students will learn to solve problems, conduct research, analyze data, work in teams, and take responsibility for their work.
Ag Leadership
Course number: AG 1402
Type: elective
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Any other Ag class
Credits: 1
Terms: 1st semester
Ag Leadership will shape students into effective leaders through personal growth and development. In this course, students will discover their personal leadership style, learn how to guide a team, create community service opportunities and serve a vital role in building the Clear Lake FFA Chapter. Students will also develop accountability, become stronger public speakers and overall communicators, and develop a vision for their future.
Plant Science
Course number: AG 1403
Type: elective
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1
Terms: 1st semester
Plant science is a course where students will learn how to apply scientific knowledge and skills to use plants effectively for agricultural and horticultural production. Students will discover the value of plant production and its impact on the individual, the local, and the global economy. Students will be conducting experiments, running tests, and solving problems to help them better understand how plants work and their impact on our world.
Animal Science
Course number: AG 1404
Type: elective
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: none
Credits: 1
Terms: 1 semester
Animal science is a course where students will study animal anatomy, physiology, behavior, nutrition, reproduction, health, selection, and marketing. Throughout the course, students will explore hands-on projects and activities and consider perceptions and preferences of individuals within local, regional, and world markets.